Become a Partner
Agents, resellers, distributors… are welcome
If you want offer a competitve and different solution for ESEF reporting, partner with us.
Let your business as usual, your client relationship as usual, your organization as usual, by having us in the background.
The result of 15 years of experience in your hands
For more than 15 years we have been implementing regulatory reporting frameworks using XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language, the underlying technology for ESEF), in the European Union, Eastern Europe and several countries of the Americas, including the USA. We have learnt how to minimize the technological regulatory burden, especially in countries with limited resources or in emerging regulatory frameworks. Simple is not just beautiful, it is also easier.
You can offer a solid and efficient solution with our full support
We offer low entry tools as easyREADER, easyQC (Quality Control) or easyESEF, as customary Excel applications now also proccessing ESEF. But our experience is up to customized solutions integrating existing Open Source software, webservices or blockchain. As IT trainers for accountants, we can explain in simple words all you need to know about ESEF. We take special care in full translations to the 23 languages of the European Union.