Open download of ESEF filings
Utility to download the free repository (built by XBRL International), having thousands of ESEF Annual Reports, with a few clicks, into your computer.
easyESEF products at XBRL Spain Conference
Max Macanas, Process Manager of easyESEF Ltd, presented our updated line of products at the XBRL Spain Conference, Madrid. See the presentation here.
New reporting tools for the Bank of Spain
easyESEF Ltd has launched easyDPM, a new line of tools focused in the reporting to the Bank of Spain, by using exactely the same Excel templates that the Bank of
Early empirical evidence on ESEF Best Practices
About 700 ESEF reports are available at The reports has been used for academy research about best practises on ESEF reporting. The Quality Control tool easyQC (from easyESEF Ltd.)
easyREADER released
A free distribution ESEF mapping tool has been prepared for ERICA database (European Records of IFRS Consolidated Accounts). ERICA is managed by several Central Banks in Europe. The tool has
Release of SASB Taxonomy of ESG Data
Release of SASB Standards XBRL Taxonomy Accelerates Structured Reporting of ESG Data. Taxonomy will integrate SASB Standards into the common language for business reporting. The Value Reporting Foundation facilitate reporting
ESMA updates the ESEF Reporting Manual
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, published an update of its Reporting Manual on the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF). The update expands existing
ESEF mapping challenge
Ignacio Boixo, CEO of easyESEF, to participate in the open call for the development of a Proof-of-concept tool: ESEF data consumption for ERICA database. See the details at
European Single Access Point, results of targeted consultation
The European Comission is preparing the establishment of an European single access point (ESAP) for financial and non-financial information publicly disclosed by companies. The answers to the targeted consultation (early
easyESEF in the event “ESEF today, ESG tomorrow”
The event “ESEF today, ESG tomorrow“, held on March 11, was open by Annemie Rombouts, Chair of the Corporate Reporting Standing Committee (CRSC) of ESMA. Boris M. Wandser, easyESEF, participated